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Marin Voicu

Marin Voicu

Date of birth

August 17, 1944

Teaching degree

University professor, PhD in Law Studies


Civil law, Commercial law and International commercial law, Maritime law and EU law

Professional and pedagogical activities

1967-20011: Judge and chairman of the courts in Constanta: Constanta Court of First Instance, Constanta Tribunal and Constanta Court of Appeal;

2001-2005: Judge in the Supreme Court of Justice of Romania;

1996-19983: Judge in the European Court of Human Rights (Council of Europe) – Strasbourg;

1993-1998: Member of the Superior Council of Magistracy;

1990-2001: Lecturer with the Constanta State University „Ovidius”; in 2002 he has been appointed as Professor Doctor within the same institution, by the National Degrees Commission and by the order of the Ministry of Education;

2005 – April 2009: University Professor Doctor within the University „Spiru Haret” Bucharest, Faculty of Law and Faculty of International Relations and Economic Studies;

2005 – still: Lawyer in the Bucharest Bar Association (), with the secondary office in Constanta;

2004: Honorary Member of the Academy of Scientists in Romania

– Arbiter to the International Court of Commercial Arbitration in Bucharest, attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania;

– Founder and editor-in-chief of the Romanian Magazine of Maritime Law;

Scientific activity

A. Published works

I. Legal sociology

1. „Introducere in sociologia deviantei” (n.t. Introduction in the Sociology of Deviance), Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1985, co-author;

2. „Adolescentii si familia”, (n.t. The Teenagers and the Family) Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1986, co-author;

II. Civil law

1. „Drept civil. Note de curs” (n.t. Civil Law. Course Script), Ovidius University, Constanta;

2. „Dreptul de retentie. Aplicatii in materia civila, comerciala si maritima” (n.t. Right of Retention. Applications in Civil, Commercial and Maritime Matters), 1999, Ed. Ex Ponto;

3. „Dreptul de proprietate si alte drepturi reale. Tratat de jurisprudenta 1992-2002” (n.t. Property Right and Other In Rem Rights), 2002, Ed. Lumina Lex, co-author;

4. „Dreptul muncii. Tratat de jurisprudenta si conventii internationale” (n.t. Labour Law. Treatise of Case law and International Conventions), 2001, Ed. Lumina Lex, co-author;

5. „Dreptul de proprietate. Doctrina si jurisprudenta C.E.D.O.” (n.t. Property Law. Doctrine and Jurisprudence of ECHR), 2003, Ed. Lumina Lex;

6. „Jurisprudenta civila” (n.t. Civil case law), 2005, Ed. Lumina Lex;

III. Commercial and international commercial law

1. „Drept comercial roman. Note de curs” (n.t. Romanian Commercial Law. Course Script), 1992, Ovidius University, Constanta;

2. Dreptul de retentie. Aplicatii in materia civila, comerciala” (n.t. Right of Retention. Applications in civil and commercial matters) 2001, Ed. Lumina Lex;

3. „Drept comercial” (n.t. Commercial Law), 2001, Ed. Ex Ponto;

4. „Dreptul comertului international” (n.t. International Commercial Law), 2002, Ed. Ex Ponto;

5. „Jurisprudenta comerciala” (n.t. Commercial Case law), 2001-2003, Ed. Lumina Lex;

IV. International Maritime Law

1. „Buletinul jurisprudentei maritime” (n.t. Maritime Case law Bulletin), 1998, Ed. Ex Ponto;

2. „Jurisprudenta maritima 1887-1947” (n.t. Maritime Case law 1887/1947), 1999, Ed. Ex Ponto, coautor;

3. „Conventii maritime internationale” (n.t. International Maritime Agreements), vol.I, II, III, IV – 1999-2000, Ed. Ex Ponto, co-author;

4. „Drept maritim roman. Jurisprudenta si legislatie, 1947-2000” (n.t. Case law and Legislations), 2000, Ed. Ex Ponto, co-author;

5. „Institutii de drept maritim” (n.t. Maritime Law Institutions), 2002, Ed. Ex Ponto, (book awarded at the „Ovidius” National Book Fest– September 2002);

6. „Jurisprudenta maritima romana 1887-2001” (n.t. Romanian Maritime Case Law), 2001, Ed. Lumina Lex;

7. „Revista romana de drept maritim” (n.t. Romanian Magazine of Maritime Law) no.1-2/1999, 1-4/2000, 1-4/2001, 1-2/2002, editor-in-chief and co-author,

8. „Jurisprudenta maritima romana 2002-2005” (n.t. Romanian Maritime Case Law 2002-2005), 2005, Ed. Lumina Lex, co-author;

V. EU law and Human Right

1. „Ultima speranta intr-o justitie deplina – Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului” (n.t. The last hope for a total justice – European Court of Human Rights), 2001, Ed. Juridica;

2. „Protectia europeana a drepturilor omului” (n.t. European Protection of Human Rights), 2001, Ed. Lumina Lex, (book awarded in 2001, by the Romanian Jurists Union with the prize „Victor Dan Zlatescu” for Comparative law);

3. „Drept comunitar. Teorie si jurisprudenta” (n.t. EU Law. Theory and Case Law, 2002, Ed. Ex Ponto (book awarded in 2002, with the special prize of the Romanian Jurists Union);

4. „Drept comunitar” (n.t. EU Law), author of the materials published between 2004 and 2005 in each number of the Commercial Law magazine;

5. „Jurisprudenta comunitara” (n.t. EU Law Jurisprudence), 2005, Ed. Lumina Lex;

6. „Introducere in dreptul european” (n.t. Introduction in EU Law), 2007, Ed. Universul Juridic;

7. „Dreptul comunitar general”, (n.t. EU Law – The General Part) 2009, , Ed. Universul Juridic;

8. „Politicile comunitare ale Uniunii Europene” (n.t. The common policies of the European Union) , 2005, Ed. Lumina Lex;

9. „CEDO – 50 de ani de activitate” (n.t. ECHR – 50 years of activity), 2009, Ed. Universul Juridic;

10. „Jurisdictii si proceduri judiciare in Uniunea Europeana” (n.t. Jurisdictions and Judiciary Procedures in the EU), 2010, Ed. Universul Juridic;

11. „Starea justitiei in Statele Europei” (n.t. The Justice Situation in the Countries of Europe), 2010, Ed. Universul Juridic;

VI. Other scientific contribution

1. „Conventiile consulare ale Romaniei cu alte state” (n.t. Consular Agreements of Romania Concluded with Other States), 2002, Ed. Lumina Lex, co-author;

2. „Tratate si conventii de asistenta juridica ale Romaniei” (n.t. Romania’s Treatises and Conventions of Legal Assisstance), vol.I and II, 2005, Ed. Lumina Lex;

3. „Acordurile de readmisie incheiate de catre Romania cu alte state” (n.t. Readmission Agreements signed between Romania and other states), 2005, Ed. Lumina Lex, co-author;

B. Articles, studies and commentaries

During 1969 and 1989 he has been the author of more than 30 articles and studies published in law-specialized magazines, and during 1994-2009 he has been the author of over 50 such works published in Romanian and foreign publications, works mainly dealing with human rights, EU law, commercial law and international commercial law, as well as maritime law.

C. Colloquiums, seminars and courses

In Romania, during 1991-2009 he has participated to over 60 such scientific events.

Abroad, he has participated to more than 30 such events, among which:

– February 1994 – Strasbourg, Human rights;

– November 1994, Switzerland, Criminal Law Justice;

– December 1995 – Strasbourg, Commercial Law Justice;

– May 2002 – London, International Maritime Law;

– May 2002 – Madrid, Judiciary Management;

– July 2002 – Kishinev, Human rights in the Act of Justice;

– October 2005 – Strasbourg „Civil Code of Napoleon and Europe”, colloquium – „200 years anniversary from the Code adoption”;

– January 2009 – Strasbourg –50 years anniversary of ECHR existence.

D. Scientific and professional acknowledgement

1. Romanian Jurists Union Award – December 2001, for the monographic studies „Protectia europeana a drepturilor omului” (n.t. „European protection of human rights”), 2001, Ed. Lumina Lex, 759 pages, the first theoretical and practical work in the field in Romania, drafted also based on the experience of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

2. The special award of the Romanian Jurists Union in 2002 for the book „Drept comunitar. Teorie si jurisprudenta” (EU Law. Theory and Case Law), 2002, Ed. Ex Ponto.

3. Prize for the scientific book „Institutii de drept maritim” (Institutions of Maritime Law), Ed. Ex Ponto, sept.2002, awarded by the „Ovidius” National Book Fest, 2002.

4. Nominated in October 2002, by the Supreme Court of Justice and by the Ministry of External Affairs, for the prize awarded by the Private Law Institute in Hague.

5. Graduate of the post-university classes, with specializations „Civil law” (1984) and „Maritime law” (1980) – Bucharest University, Faculty of Law.

6. Nominated in „Who’s who”, Cambridge 2004, 2008 and 2010.

7. Continuous training internships abroad:

7.1. January – February 1993 – International Court of Justice in Hague – „Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Man”;

7.2. October – November 1997 – Universities of Mississippi and Louisiana, USA – „Judiciary Management” and „Human Rights in the Act of Justice”.

7.3. 1996-1998 – Judge in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

7.4. December 1995 – Council of Europe – „Commercial Justice of Europe”.

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